Scent of Eros
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Scientific evidence continues to validate the concept of human pheromones as it was first portrayed for a general readership in The Scent of Eros: Mysteries of Odor in Human Sexuality. It has become crystal clear that human pheromones affect us more than most people can imagine. Our knowledge of visual input, and of how vision might influence our sexual behavior, pales by comparison. During this decade, many more people will learn that our sexual behavior is driven in the same manner as it is in all mammals: directly via olfaction and pheromones, and only indirectly by visual input or other sensory input from our social environment. This knowledge will help to predict/explain behaviors, and help to resolve problematic behaviors. Recent results from human studies that report the link between pheromones and homosexual orientation are cited on this page.
The Scent of Eros was written for a general audience. The 2002 revision updates what is known about human pheromones, and includes information available before July, 2002. The following information, including more recent works, which add to knowledge about human pheromones, is available for other researchers or others who share an interest in the growing body of knowledge about the role of pheromones in behavior.